Reckless driving is a criminal misdemeanor. A conviction for reckless driving carries up to 12 months in jail, a fine up to $2500 and a license suspension up to 6 months. In addition, there are demerit points and insurance premium increases. The average increase in premiums is OVER $5000 over 5 years. Most insurance companies[...] The post Dinwiddie Reckless Driving Dismissed appeared first on Leavitt & Martin.
Reckless driving is a criminal misdemeanor. A conviction for reckless driving carries up to 12 months in jail, a fine up to $2500 and a license suspension up to 6 months. In addition, there are demerit points and insurance premium increases. The average increase in premiums is OVER $5000 over 5 years. Most insurance companies “lookback” 5-10 years. That means they assess your rates based on the last 5-10 years of driving behavior. And the average increase for reckless driving is 73 percent, second only to a conviction for DUI.
Recently we represented a client charged with reckless driving by speed in Dinwiddie traffic court. We were successful in getting the case completely DISMISSED! See some other results in Dinwiddie that were reduced or dismissed:
Dinwiddie Reckless Driving: 84 mph: dismissed
Dinwiddie Reckless Driving: 85 mph: reduced
Dinwiddie Reckless Driving: 91 mph: reduced
Dinwiddie Reckless Driving: 102 mph: reduced
When a case is reduced, the judge has some flexibility in what to reduce it to. The big thing is that once it is reduced it is no longer a criminal misdemeanor so you don’t have a permanent criminal record. In addition, there is no potential jail time or a license suspension.
For my case at 102 mph, I got the charge reduced to improper driving, which is the lowest moving violation you can have in Virginia. There was no license suspension and no jail time. Every case is different and hinges on a number of factors unique to each case. Call today for a free consultation.
The post Dinwiddie Reckless Driving Dismissed appeared first on Leavitt & Martin.